Friday, October 11, 2013

How To Attrat Women

A Man of Status Way

It is important to mention that there is not yet any consensus on what attracts women to men. Science has found dozens of factors, some major, some minor, but there is no overarching model that is agreed upon by everyone. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you.
Many of these traits which determine attraction are completely out of our control: genetic make-up, physical features, testosterone levels, social perceptions, where a woman is on her ovulation cycle, etc. We can’t control these so there’s little reason to worry about them.
And then there are the traits which ARE within our control: our lifestyle choices, our occupation, how we dress and groom ourselves, our health and fitness, our confidence, our lack of neediness, and our behavior.
This is a lot to juggle around. So it helps to find some underlying principles to attraction, a common denominator of all attractive behaviors and qualities (or at least most of them).
And research shows that the largest common denominator when studying what attracts women to men is that men who are perceived to be of higher status around women tend to attract them more often.
It’s no surprise then that status gets mentioned the most often in dating advice and pick up material. It’s ubiquitous, and yet there are a number of interpretations of what actually constitutes status. There’s outward status (money, resources, nice clothes) and behavioral displays of status (confidence, dominance, leadership). There are arguments on both sides of which drives which: does having money and prestige lead to confidence and leadership? Or does being a confident leader create wealth and prestige?
My personal belief is the latter. And not only is there some research supporting that women are attracted to potential status as much as they are attracted to status itself, but I feel like I have a fair amount of experience in this area. For a period of time toward the end of college and the first two years afterward, I was dead broke, living on my friend’s couch for a period of time, unemployed (usually) and still going out and partying quite a bit. This didn’t slow me down. In fact, I attracted a significant number of older women who took me under their wing and wanted to support me during this period until I got on my feet.
I believe that status in a male is determined by his behavior. Outward displays of status can create opportunities (cars, money, nice clothes), but don’t create lasting attraction themselves. They are the effects of high status behavior, not the causes.
Sexual attraction from women is determined by status, status is determined by behavior, and what determines whether a man has attractive behavior or not is his perception of himself relative to those around him, particularly women. I refer to this concept asneediness and believe the degree of a man’s neediness around women will determine how attractive or unattractive his behavior around them will be.
For instance, a needy man may come up with really clever jokes and have a great job, but he will use them to impress her and get validation from her — needy behaviors — and will therefore be perceived to be unattractive. Whereas a non-needy man may talk about silly conversation topics, openly admit that he’s between jobs, but get very excited and passionate about his rock climbing hobby. Believe it or not, this man will be seen as attractive because his behaviors will be genuine, authentic, and non-needy. The reason is he’s basing his behavior around her on his perception of himself and not her perception of him.
The needy man, despite having a nice job and clever things to say, is a follower. He’s a pawn of those around him. He will only go so far. The non-needy man, even though he may be a bit aimless and in a downturn in his life, he will end up living an enriching and unique life that suits him and makes him happier.
If a man values the perceptions of others more than his perception of himself, then he will naturally behave in an unattractive way around them. If he trusts his perception of himself more than the perceptions of those around him, then he will be perceived as a non-needy man, and therefore behave attractively. All of the outward appearances of status and resources — the fitness, the nice clothes, the cool lifestyle — these things are a result of a man who is inwardly driven, a man who invests in himself and takes care of himself.
When all is said and done, all attractive traits in a man can be traced back to his lack of neediness.
Please note, I am NOT saying that a man should disregard the perceptions of others, or that he should trash or disrespect the perceptions of others — only that he should believe in his perception of himself more than the perceptions of those around him.
Neediness plays itself out in many forms. I imagine you’ll recognize at least a few of these examples (sorry in advance for some of the painful memories):
  • Calling a woman many times in succession because she didn’t call you back and never getting an answer. NEEDINESS
  • Straining to come up with a funny line or clever joke in order to impress a woman or to get her to like you. NEEDINESS
  • Memorizing lines or routines to meet women and avoid rejection. NEEDINESS
  • Accepting that if a woman doesn’t call you back that she probably wasn’t the right woman for you anyway. NON-NEEDINESS
  • Lying to a woman to make yourself appear more interesting or attractive.NEEDINESS
  • Expressing your sexual interests and desires openly and honestly. NON-NEEDINESS
  • Hiding your flaws, accepting no criticism of yourself. NEEDINESS
  • Being unafraid of exposing your flaws. Being comfortable with not being perfect.NON-NEEDINESS
  • Feeling the need to be “dominant” or in control of an interaction at all times.NEEDINESS
  • Resenting the women you date, or assuming they’re inferior or dumber than you. Treating them like children. NEEDINESS
  • Treating women as equals, and having standards about only dating women who you enjoy and who make you happy. NON-NEEDINESS
  • Investing in improving yourself for yourself, not to impress women or make people like you. NON-NEEDINESS
  • Improving yourself only to impress those around you. Doing what you think will make people like you instead of doing what you like. NEEDINESS
You’ll notice that a number of the behaviors labeled “needy” above are behaviors taught in other dating advice as legitimate ways to attract women.
Needy behavior will only attract other needy women. Neediness finds its own level. So if you’re an angry, misogynist who lies to women to get them to sleep with you, the only women who will tolerate your behavior long enough to sleep with you will be angry, distrusting women who lie to get things from men. If you are open and honest about your intentions and genuinely care about the women you meet and interact with, then you will attract genuine and caring women who will be honest with you.
This is referred to as the assortment effect in psychology and it has been demonstrated in numerous studies.
Chances are if you’ve been highly needy in the past, then you’ve engaged in dysfunctional relationships with women who were highly needy in similar or complementary ways. Or, if you’ve been with few or no women, or are unable to attract any women, then chances are you’ve been so needy in your behavior that you’ve remained alone.
If you want to be with amazing women who are open, loving, independent, supportive and nurturing, then you need to become the male equivalent. You need to become an honest, open, and strong man who believes in himself, takes care of himself, and is proud of the amazing life he’s made for himself. Attracting women is not about appearing attractive, it’s about being attractive.
And we haven’t even gotten to the desire part yet.

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